Wednesday, June 24, 2009


On June 22nd, we drove to the airport, and hopped on our first flight to Dallas, Texas. It was only one and a half hours, so it was over before we knew it. When we got to Texas, it was like Tennessee, except it was browner with less trees. We prepared ourselves for the next flight and hopped on our next flight to Tokyo. It was a red eye flight that lasted fourteen hours! We all were sitting in the middle row with two other people. One was a old Vietnamese lady, and the other was her son. The old lady fell asleep against Mom on her shoulder. Also when Mom put her chair back, this guy kicked it and said," PUT UP!" We got off and we could not believe we were in a different country. The airport was so cool! I loved the bathroom. It was awesome because it had special toilets. One had music that you could play to help you "go". Another one was like a dip in the floor. You squatted over it! No one used it, but we all loved it. My favorite part was the magazine rack with magazines in Japanese at the gift shop.. After I got a magazine, we went and sat down in our gate. All of the Japanese people were looking at us like we were wearing bathing suits on the outsides of our clothes. I felt like rock star! We met a nice Vietnamese man that was going to be on our flight and he was describing Ho Chi Minh City to us. We wanted more souvenirs, so we went to a gift shop. There I got a key chain with a wooden doll on it and Mary Kathryn got a bookmark. Finally, it was time for our flight. This flight to Ho Chi Minh was about six hours long. Just like the flight to Tokyo, there were TVs in the backs of the chairs. On the flight to Ho Chi Minh, I was watching a live feed from below the plane. When we flew into Ho Chi Minh, the flight attendents had turned on the birds eye view camera and we could see Ho chi Minh. It was amazing! It was just like I had amagined Tokyo at night like. There were flashing lights everywhere, and the whole city was lit up. We landed and could not believe we were in Vietnam! It was very exciting and we could not wait to explore Vietnam.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting to hear about the toilets at the Japan airport.
