Thursday, July 9, 2009

Our traditional clothes

I wanted to post a photo of us in our traditional clothes. They are so beautiful and very comfortable. We also have some beautiful shoes that appear to be inlaid with mother of pearl and the girls got the hats. It is amazing that the lady took measurements from us there in her shop and then made the complete outfit from those measurements. The stitch work is perfect. Makes me want to get out my sewing machine again. It's been too long since I had it out.

We are still all a little jetlagged, but today is the first day I made it through the day without a nap, so maybe tomorrow I'll feel back to normal.


  1. Beautiful! Love the colors!

    When my husband went to Taiwan last year, a shop did the same thing for him and made him three dress shirts. They fit him perfect and are his favorite. He is going to have a suit made next time!

    Sounds like you all had a wonderful time!

  2. I love the the outfit all the way to the left. Everything is so pretty!
    I just found your blog. Your photos are really nice!
